Monday, 14 July 2014

Fondant Workshop

In a previous post, I told you that we are going to be doing a fondant workshop in August.  Tanya has sent me these pictures of the goodies which we will be making.  They are just SO CUTE!!





                                         I am sure that this has picqued lots of interest amongst you.  The workshop takes about 4 hours and costs R350.  The first 6 places are guaranteed!!  Please let me know ASAP if you are interested.

A quick reminder that there is no workshop planned for this Saturday so everyone just bring your own.

Let the emails flow telling me that you are coming to both or either of the events!!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Next Meeting

Hi Everyone

Yes, it is time to start thinking about what projects to bring with to our next Crafty Ladies Meeting.  This will happen on next Saturday, 19th July.  No special class is planned.  My friend, Megan, is recovering well from the outsize surgery of a few weeks ago.  Maybe, we can persuade her just to come out for the day and relax with us.  We are going to reschedule her workshop to make a polymer clay bead when she is completely well.

Our last meeting which happened on 21st June went well as usual.  I forgot to take any pictures but do have these of my Orenburg Shawl which I eventually finished.  I can't wait to find the right yarn to make another one

This is the back view.



I am battling to put these picture where I want them and also to make them a litte bigger.  You will have to try and view them as best you can!!

Oh well,  maybe one day I will be clever enough to work these things out.

Remember to let me know if you will be coming to the meeting.