Monday, 15 April 2013

Next Time - Crochet101

Hullo everyone

Well, our first meeting since the start of this blog has been and gone.  As usual, it was a very relaxed day with knitting, cross stitch and tapestry being practised.  Thank you to all of you who were there, the cold weather notwithstanding.  Because of the weather, I decided not to use the usual area at the dam but to have it indoors.  We lit the wood fire for a bit of atmosphere and it was a really lovely day.

                 The ladies working both their hands and voices at the meeting on Saturday.

 Ouma working hard on a baby jersey for the church fete.

 Merle showing her completed baby leggings and succeeding in hiding her face at the same time.

Brigette showing off her new cowl which I made for her on Saturday.

Hero spent the whole afternoon on his mother's lap.

We had some discussion regarding the workshop / demonstration idea and what has evolved from that is that some crochet tuition would be a good idea.  Brigette and I have decided that we will give a class next time on techniques and stitches in crochet work.  We are working on the assumption that the students will have the basics and so we will be concentrating on new stitches rather than rehashing the basics again.  Once we have prepared our lesson and worked out what the cost of the kits will be I will let you know the cost of the workshop.

This will be happening at our next meeting which will be on the 4th of May.  Please let me know if you are interested in doing this workshop as that may influence the individual costs.  There is absolutely no obligation.  Those who are not interested will enjoy the day doing their own thing as usual.

I have been getting the feeling more and more that the fact that I have been providing the refreshments and lunches each meeting (which has been my pleasure) has been making some of you feel a little awkward. Below I have copied and pasted from an email which I received and would really love to have your comments.  My contact details are at the bottom of the page.
"Don’t you think we might consider asking each person that attends to bring some eats for tea, and lunch. We could do a roster,
And for instance for lunch, one can bring salad, another buns another this or that. Especially we can maybe ask two at a time to bring their favourite soup with the recipe. Just a suggestion, don’t know how the oethers will feel about that."
Another option might be that we charge a nominal amount for each meeting to help cover the costs of the food.

Charlie, the spaniel, has fully recovered from his illness and is back to his usual exuberant self, thank goodness.  He will be staying with Ouma while Max and I are in Plet for a week.  Because of this holiday, I may not get to posting next week but do not fear, I will be back the following week.

I would love to hear from you regarding any crafts workshops which you would be interested in.  You can let me know about that and make any other comments about the club or the blog on my email or cell phone.                    +27 82 571-6883

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