Hi crafters
Before I get to my exciting news, I have to tell you that I agree totally with Brigette who said in her blog (visit it at
https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6714172989893436902#editor/target=post;postID=324292340781566461) that the universe is out to get us - or words to that effect. I know that I make the same excuse every time, but I really have been trying to get to this post since our last meeting. Anyway, I suppose that better late than never will have to apply. By the way, this is the first time that I have tried to put a link into my post so I hope it works.
Our meeting last month was small but intimate. There were only a few of us there and it was almost like being in the enormous dining room in a castle where the table extends to the horison and only a few people are seated there. It looks particularly incongruous (how's that for a big word) when only the husband and wife are at the table and each is seated at the ends. However, back to our meeting. Although we were spread out we nevertheless had a really lovely day. I presented a workshop on colour knitting and I am VERY impressed with the ladies who decided to join me. They caught on so quickly that there was very little teaching that had to be done. Well done, girls, especially Carol who professes to not be a very good knitter. Her fingers never got tangled in the yarns at all.
This is a picture of one of the samplers which Carol did with no difficulty whatsoever.
Sandra S seems to be a little tangled up. She, too, mastered the techniques with no difficulty.
I encourage everyone to bring show and tell items to the meetings as we love to see what you have all been working on. Not all the items shown originate from one of the workshops but nevertheless, we are always interested to see what our friends' hands create.
Felicity was trawling the internet a while ago and came across a crochet magazine from the UK which had this baby blanket pattern in it. Isn't it just the most amazing item?? I suspect this one is going into the "baby box" in anticipation of Lindsey producing the grandchild(ren) in due course. No pressure, Linds!!
Unfortunately, this is not a very good picture, but Carol is making a blanket from one of the crochet squares which she learned at the crochet workshop in May.
As I said, earlier, it was a really lovely day although it was very hot in the afternoon. Once again, sincere thanks to my team of helpers in setting everything up.
Now, to my news. Some years ago, Petro introduced me to Manie Kriel of Manique Beaded Jewelery. From him, I learned several of the techniques used in bead weaving and fell in love with this type of beadwork. I had previously done the usual type of beading where one strings beads etc onto fireline but must be honest that it did not majorly appeal to me. Bead weaving, however, grabbed me from the first time I tried it at one of Manie's workshops at Petro's house. Manie has recently rediscovered his love of bobbin lace making and so the beads have taken a backseat in his life. To cut a long story short, we came to an agreement whereby I have taken over his business. How exciting is that? Or maybe a little stupid considering that I am supposed to be retired. So why do I want to start all over in a totally new industry? Because it is exciting, that's why. I have received the stock from Manie and although it is taking a little longer than I would have liked to get everything unpacked and sorted out (I am not 20 years old any more), I am ready for trading. Manie has also graciously given me permission to market is patterns
either as is or made up into kits. I will also be selling beads, clasps
etc. Please visit my website at http://www.manique.co.za/.
Our next meeting will be on
16th November and is our final meeting for the year. It will be a day dedicated to UFO's. To the uninitiated, that means Unfinished Objects which we all have in abundance. So please bring with a UFO which has been lying in your cupboard for at least 6 months waiting patiently for you to take it out and finish it. Any craft will do just as long as it is a UFO.
And now to end off - how is it that spaniels can look so desperately unhappy?? This picture was taken of Charlie sitting on my "vuilsus" (sister in law Hettie)'s lap while we were away at Baroque in the Bush in September.
Enjoy crafting
See you on the 16th