Friday, 8 November 2013

Knitting news

Hi All

Believe it or not, I have a gap today to write a few lines here even though it is so soon after the last post.  I just want to tell you all about Petro's Centurion Craft Show which happened at the beginning of October.

Brigette had a stand at the show and I (as usual) was there with her.  I took the few Cellini kits which were left from my workshop earlier and decided to work one whilst there.  This attracted a lot of attention from visitors who could not believe how simple the technique actually is.  This show showcases crafts practised by everyday people like you and I.  There are no mass produced items there.

Johan demonstrating his expertise at making glass lamp work beads.

This is me on the right showing something to a couple of visitors.

This is Marita's Creative Knitting stand.

If you would like to see more pictures, you can visit Brigette's blog at

Now I want to tell you about a knitting project which is happening at the moment and which will culminate in the Yarn Indaba at the end of from 31st July 2014 to 2nd August 2014 at the Voortrekker Monument.  The project seeks to get enough knitted squares to cover the steps of the Monument thereby setting a new world record.  To do this 19050 square measuring 20cm x 20cm and 3350 squares measuring 15cm x 15cm are needed by the 1st July 2014.  The squares can be any pattern and yarn only the size is important.  After the record has been set the square will be made up into blankets which will then be given to charity.  If you would like to be a part of this project and make some squares you can contact me when they are done and we can then arrange that I get them from you.

Just a reminder about our last meeting for the year which will be on the 16th November.  It will be a UFO day so bring something to do which has been in the cupboard for at least 6 months.  Just drop me a line to let me know if you are coming to facilitate catering arrangements.

That's it for now.
Enjoy your crafting

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